Growing up, one of my all-time favorite places to shop was a bargain department store called Newberry’s. My mom and I would venture to their downtown Portland location, which was always a special treat for me. This particular Easter season was no exception. Adding to all the excitement was my newly acquired spending money, which was burning a hole in my pocket rivaling the size of Texas.
Upon arrival, knowing the toy department was downstairs, off I went, nearly flying down the stairs with wings of joy, soaring to complete my high-spirited mission! Then, in the blink of an eye, there I stood—ever so slowly contemplating all the choices my budget would allow. Would it be a new outfit for my Barbie doll or a playhouse broom? Oh, the possibilities! Then, I saw them…third aisle, the lower right-hand corner of the shelf, piled high and overflowing from the wire bins. Amazing stuffed yellow bunnies, fluffy, adorable and cute as could be called to me.
Kneeling down, I gazed upon their faces as if to ask them which one wanted to go home with me. My first encounter with a jaunty Mr. Bunny happened, and boy he knew how to work it. His sweet demure made me 100% convinced he would make a lovely addition to my already charming collection of stuffed animals. Showing my mom this final decision, she looked at Mr. Bunny, and an inquisitive look came across her face. “Are you sure you want this one? He has a mark between his ears.” “Yes!” I said with great conviction. I was sure it was love at first sight. My decision was a carefully chosen one; Mr. Bunny was the one, and I loved him, marks and all.
This can’t help but remind me of the following precious verse in Ephesians 1:4 AMPC:
Even as (in His Love) He chose us (actually picked us out for himself as His own) in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight even above reproach, before Him in Love.
God chose you! He looked down from His heavenly home and said, “That’s the one I want; it matters not that it has a stain. I’m purchasing it with My blood, willingly given when I died on the cross. That sin-stained person belongs to me!” John 15:16 tells us we have not chosen Christ, but he has chosen us. What a comforting thought to be selected by a merciful God even with all our flaws. Through His gentleness and condescension, He has made us great. There’s a part of me that wishes I would have saved Mr. Bunny in the keepsakes of my childhood memorabilia. He would have been a gentle reminder of how God chooses us no matter what. We don’t need to have it all together to be loved by God.
In childhood innocence, I understood that love is not picking the best or the flawless, but purely loving without conditions. Jesus knows this about children, for He says for such is the Kingdom of God.
May we regain our childlike faith, a faith that is filled with wide eyed wonderment, in a God that has handpicked us, and who bought us with price…a price that only He could pay, to be part of His charming Kingdom. Now that is a Deal no one can beat!
This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. —1 John 4:9 MSG
“You don’t need to be perfect to be loved by a perfect God.” —Author Unknown
“Who being loved is poor?” —Oscar Wilde
Heavenly Father, thank you for Your unconditional love and forgiveness that flows freely from Your throne room. How can we ever thank You for all You’ve done for us? Your death on the cross brought us life; Your blood flowing from Calvary removed the stain of our sin and guilt. And we were purchased out of the bargain basement of darkness into the Kingdom of your glorious light. Thank you for adopting us and placing us in a body of winsome believers where I feel right at home…amen.