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You did it: you changed wild lament into whirling dance; You ripped off my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers. I’m about to burst with song; I can’t keep quiet about you. God, my God, I can’t thank you enough.

Psalm 30:11-12 MSG

Recently it dawned on me, jokingly calling the word "wait" a four letter word was not a good idea. Though there have been times in my life when waiting felt like a long prison sentence with no hope of parole nor even a visitor called Joy. It's root cause was fostered by my lack of trust and complete confidence in God's faithfulness. Not only that, my thoughts were skipping the biblical principles of rejoicing in the Lord always as Philippians 4:1-9 encourages us to do so... this didn't help matters. My notions of God's truths in regards to waiting was conceived, birthed and nursed on lies. This false narrative continued to grow out of a lack of trust in God's goodness. Doubt became the framework of my wobbly emotional structure, which proved insufficient building materials to fully lean on God's goodness in my times of waiting. Removing the core nature of God's faithfulness out of the equation of waiting, choosing to be dictated by feelings over our faith will fail any faith building inspection.

I'm reminded of Peter's bold steps to walk on water as Jesus bid him, only to suddenly let his fear and doubt not only stop him in his water tracks but sank him in it. I love what Matthew 14:31 * says, " Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him ." You of little faith, 'he said , why did you doubt? "So why did Peters bold step of faith to met Jesus abruptly stop? He saw the wind which had produced the crashing waves against the boat he and the other 11 apostles were waiting in. Peter's fear of the wind caused him to take His eyes off Jesus, gripping his heart with doubt causing him to sink. Even though Jesus had comforted His fearful disciples only moments before while He was walking on the water saying, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

I'm comforted to know that even Peter doubted in the waiting, letting sight override faith allowing doubt to drown him... even though Jesus had lived amongst him on a daily basis with unwavering faithfulness. Like me, he let the whirlwind of circumstances deceive him, while the wind of adversity whipped up fear that raged in his soul.

Also, I find it interesting that in Matt: 14 it is recorded on three different occasions that immediately after Jesus did something for his disciples a juxtaposition took place... the value of "Waiting". God is a God of Waiting and a God of suddenlies, though I love the suddenlies there is great significance in the Waiting. Allowing the necessary work of the Holy Spirit within our own hearts' and minds' to be done while we Wait.

James W. Goll writes, "when the fullness of preparation, meets the fullness of time its results in the culture or atmosphere where suddenlies come to pass"

The bottom line is ....

"He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3 :11 ESV

This reality of God's truth empowers us to take a position of rejoicing in His exceedingly great and precious promise even while we Wait.

As I repented on my four letter word comparison of the word WAIT the Lord brought to mind the countless scripture verses that celebrates Waiting.

The truth is we not only wait on Him, He waits on us.

To surrender our will for His.

To lay on the altar those things we cling to.

Offering our bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God.

A beautiful exchange of earthly pleasures for His far greater kingdom purposes.

Isaiah 30 :18 is a lovely picture of His waiting on us.

"For this reason the Lord is still waiting to show his favor to you

so he can show you his marvelous love.

He waits to be gracious to you.

He sits on his throne ready to show mercy to you.

For Yahweh is the Lord of justice,

faithful to keep his promises.

Overwhelmed with bliss are all

who will entwine their hearts in him,

waiting for him to help them."

Such a comforting verse, and the thought of entwining our hearts to His is a powerful truth to cling to in our waiting.

" Here’s what I’ve learned through it all:

Don’t give up; don’t be impatient;

be entwined as one with the Lord.

Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope.

Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you!"

Psalm 27:14

The Passion translation commentary writes The Hebrew word most commonly translated as “wait” (wait upon the Lord) is qavah, which also means “to tie together by twisting” or “to entwine” or “to wrap tightly.” This is a beautiful concept of waiting upon God, not passively, but entwining our hearts with him and his purposes.

It reminds me of a tall curly willow branch propped up behind our shed waiting to be used, while in its stillness a glorious honeysuckle near by seeking additional support, twirled around the dead lifeless branch. Gracefully, beautifully entwining its purpose with life and destiny. Today you might feel like a dead branch waiting for a promise or a purpose, I have good news for you... when we wrap our heart into His we are forever changed in the process and beauty will come out of the waiting.

Perhaps you too are tired of being on the team where wait is a four letter word. Are you ready for a shift into freedom? I know I am! As I wrote this the Lord brought to mind the game called "Olly olly oxen free".

"Olly olly oxen free" is a catchphrase or truce term used in children's games such as hide and seek, indicating the players who are hiding can come out into the open without losing the game. Or that the position of the sides in a game has changed, meaning the game is entirely over. Wikipedia went on to say the phrase may have, ”calling all the outs in free”; in other words, all who are out may come in without penalty.

We thank you Lord for calling "Olly olly oxen free " to all who are hiding in fear, doubt or shame. Being the glorious game changer, calling outs--IN and those still waiting will one day boldly declare... it was totally worth the Wait! .

"I have wrapped my heart into yours!" Psalms 25:5 TPT


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